I've always said Kelly would have curly hair if he grew it out!
I cannot afford to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I can't exactly remember the difference between those but I'm sure they are both expensive. Luckily, I have a built-in psychotherapist that comes in handy when I just can't seem to get out of a rut. Here's an example of how it works:
The other day I was checking out blogs of friends, noticing cute pictures, fun updates of what they've been doing, and of course festive blog backgrounds befitting the season. I also happened to notice that on those blogs featuring that fancy sidebar which not only links to other blogs, but shows when they've been updated, I was dead last. Suddenly my self shrink turned on.
"You are a blog user."
Me: "What?"
Shrink: "A blog user. You receive enjoyment from looking at everyone else's blogs, but you don't contribute to the blogging community."
Me: "Well one of these days I'm really going to improve. I just don't know why I don't get around to it."
Shrink: "It's the pictures."
Me: "But I got that faster internet service so it wouldn't take forever to upload the pictures."
Shrink: "You're not good with pictures. By the time you find the cord to hook the camera to the computer, remember how to transfer the pictures, sort through the pictures deciding which ones to use, and wonder how to get rid of that red-eye that is in 70% of the pictures, you've talked yourself out of posting that day."
Me: "Well I guess you could be right. By the way has there ever been a study done showing that blue-eyed people display more red-eye in pictures, because I swear my kids (cute as they are) look like monsters in almost every picture I take!"
Shrink: "You're changing the subject."
Me: "Sorry"
Shrink: "It doesn't matter to me, I don't get paid either way, but if you want my advice just type up some of those posts you've been composing in your head and leave those adorable pictures and backgrounds to those creative friends of yours."
Me: "All right I'll give it a try. Say, do you think I should add that recipe sharing sidebar I've thought about? I did take three pictures of my tortilla casserole."
Shrink: "You're hopeless."
Well, you get the idea. If you don't already have one of these invisible analysts, I highly recommend developing one. As long as you don't have the conversations out loud, no one can accuse you of being crazy (unless you post them on your blog).
Merry Christmas & a Happy Blogging Year!